I'm going to start listing Valentine's Day cards.
I know Christmas is still here, but I cannot fill up my
Etsy Shop with a bunch of holiday listings that won't even get glanced at in about three weeks. I've made what I made, have vowed not to list another Christmas tree, snowflake, or wreath in
my shop. I'm done. I love you Christmas, but it's time to move on. On a marketing standpoint, that is.

I could not let this
Valentine's Day card idea slip away. If money is tight in your home right now, like it is in mine, you get creative! I took shiny card stock and used my Big Shot and an embossing folder for the front, and since I don't have the Cricut cartridge that makes the scrolly tags, I used one of the floral designs from the Story Book cartridge and pieced it together with black card stock cut into a rectangle, then placed the sentiment on top. I really like the way it came out. I always say if it looks store bought, I did a good job. Also, if you don't have a bunch of rubber stamps with sentiments (and I don't!) make your own on the computer! I create mine in Publisher to the size I want, then print them, cut them out, and save the extras for future card purchases. Rubber stamps are great, but they do limit you as far as size and font. Creating sentiments yourself on your printer gives you lots of options. I can't remember this font, but if you want to know what it is, shoot me a message and I will be happy to post it. Isn't it FABULOUS?