When it's time for out with the old, in with the new. Which means in essence that over the next week or so I will be cleaning out my "blogs I follow list" for the new year. Fear not, if you've been blogging steadily for the past 6 months, I will not be deleting your blog from my list. I know, life gets in the way, things happen. But I'm really going to try to make a concentrated effort to follow, read, and reply to blogs I SAID I'd follow. Otherwise, it's just lip service when I say "I'm following you!" and really does the blogger no good to get no feedback from people who are following them. Trust me, I'd rather you dumped me for non participation in my own blog than stick around waiting for me to tap tap tap something, anything on the keys.
So if you know I've been following you and all of a sudden you don't see me on your list of million minions, don't take it personally. I just got to, you know? And if you plan on doing better on your blog in 2011, just drop me a comment on this post and I"ll re-follow you, just as long as I don't just see crickets for the next six months every time I check my dashboard, your blog is safe.